Episode 14 – Our Experiences with Baby Led Weaning and Why We Decided to Try It
There are a lot of different approaches out there on how to start introducing your baby to food and it can be quite overwhelming (and scary) to start. Todays episode will be all about how Jen & Karlee decided to try Baby Led Weaning, their experiences with it and how they prepared to start this journey with food for their little ones.
Websites/People we spoke about in this episode:
- https://solidstarts.com
- https://feedinglittles.com
- Gagging vs Choking Video
- Bellies Community Space
- Instagram Accounts: @solidstarts, @byyoursidelc (Tracey Carolan ICBLC) & @feedinglittles
- Product Talked About: The Saturday Baby Plate with Lid
Listen to this episode here
Follow us on instagram here
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Disclaimer: We are not medical experts. Although Karlee is a registered nurse working in Labour and Delivery we are not part of your health care team. Any content that we talk about is purely based on our own opinion and experiences. Please seek out your primary healthcare provider with any concerns you may have.